Gillingham Primary School

Supporting Mental Well-Being

Mental Health Awareness Week

This week it is mental health awareness week: - 18th - 22nd May 2020

Link to activities and information


Supporting You to Support your children

As humans, we all react differently to different situations, some of us brace and some of us organise, some are led and some do the leading. We can all have different emotional reactions to events too. Some people acknowledge events but move on indicating little impact whilst others can be greatly effected by them. At school we frequently talk to children about issues that might be effecting them or that they might have heard about and become concerned about. Children talk to their teachers readily because they do not feel as emotionally connected to them as they are to their families and so are less concerned by their reaction. Research into child mental health has shown that often children will work to shield their families from their worries just as we do as parents to our children. Talking about our concerns or at least acknowledging that they exist, is important and supports young brains in making healthy connections. During this period of self-isolation / social distancing we thought you might appreciate some ideas to support your child with what will be a very difficult situation to understand for them on many levels. Hopefully you will find the ideas below supportive / helpful in supporting your children to understand and process this situation and helpful to you as well.

Take care and look after yourselves.

Support Child Worries Mental Health UK NHS Advice 
Dropping Anchor Mindfulness Anna Freud Centre - Support for Parents / Carers
Anna Freud Centre - Supporting Self Help for Young People

Emerging Minds


Emerging Minds for Children
Think U Know Support Childline NSPCC
Newsround Information about Corvid-19 Signed Story to Support Children WHO - Advice for Children
Camhs Support for pupils and parents WHO- Information Child Book by Illustrator of the Gruffalo to Help Understand Corvid-19
Play ideas to support stressed children E_BUG Public Health England Keeping Children Safe From Abuse and Harm